Above the Sea Level

Content Conceptualization: Novel
Context: Art (Illustration)
Content Expression: Without Symbols
Expression Realization: Fusion
Linguistic Expression: No

Timestamp: 2016-07-26 11:51:55
Author: Vladimir Kush
Copyright: Vladimir Kush
Brand: -
Country: Russia/USA
Year: 0000
Text inside image: none
Text outside image: This painting reconstructs the human brain where the border between consciousness and unconsciousness floats at sea level. Above the sea, glowing with lights, is the smallers but brighter part of our conscious - the visible portion of our brain "iceberg". The larger section of the "Iceberg" is sunk in the depths of subliminal and instinctive feelings.
Source: Author's portfolio
URL: https://vladimirkush.com/above-the-sea-level

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