Audi: Orchestra

Content Conceptualization: Novel
Context: Advertising (Commercial)
Content Expression: With Symbols
Expression Realization: Fusion
Linguistic Expression: No

Timestamp: 2016-07-26 11:51:55
Author: Bcg2
Copyright: Bcg2
Brand: Audi
Country: New Zealand
Year: 2012
Text inside image: 14-speaker Bang & Olufsen sound system. Available in selected Audi models. Audi. Vorsprunng durch Technik
Text outside image: none
Source: AdsOfTheWorld
Notes: Car interiors are theater seating plans. Audi car interior is a place where one can enjoy music in high quality of sound. Audi sound system is as good as the sound system of a theater. SYMBOL: the theater seating plan

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